A Federal Website On Reproductive Rights Has Vanished

Trending 3 weeks ago

A nationalist website for accusation connected reproductive authorities and healthcare entree is abruptly down, pursuing Donald Trump’s inauguration yesterday. Reproductiverights.gov seemed to beryllium offline arsenic of past night, CBS reports.

The Biden guidance launched nan website successful 2022 successful nan aftermath of nan the Supreme Court’s Decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. On apical of accusation astir abortion rights, nan website too included resources connected accessing preventative attraction including bosom and cervical crab screenings, prenatal care, and HIV screening. (The Internet Archive has a snapshot of what nan website looked for illustration arsenic precocious arsenic January 15th.)

Scientists, researchers, and wellness and biology advocates person been bracing for imaginable changes to nationalist websites nether nan Trump administration. They’ve been worried astir nationalist agencies curtailing publicly-available accusation astir hot-button topics connected their websites, peculiarly erstwhile it comes to ambiance change.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which antecedently ran nan website reproductiverights.gov didn’t instantly respond to an enquiry from The Verge.

So far, nationalist websites connected ambiance alteration look to beryllium up and running. During Trump’s first connection successful office, entree to arsenic overmuch arsenic 20 percent of nan Environmental Protection Agency website was removed and location was a adjacent 40 percent diminution successful nan connection “climate change” crossed websites for nationalist biology agencies.

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