Dremel Put A Stud Sensor And Laser Level Into Its New Multipurpose Drill

Trending 1 month ago

Dremel has announced a caller multi-functional drill designed for DIYers moving connected smaller projects astir their homes for illustration attaching a TV equine to a wall. The Blueprint Multi-Drill tin beryllium utilized to drill holes aliases thrust screws but too features an integrated stud sensor and a removable laser level.

The Multi-Drill is disposable now done Dremel’s online shop for $99.99, but tin too beryllium recovered astatine retailers for illustration Amazon and The Home Depot.

Powered by a 12V brushless centrifugal and an included rechargeable battery, nan Multi-Drill has a apical velocity of 800 RPM and produces ‎175 inch-pounds of torque. For comparison, Amazon too sells a $100 18V Milwaukee drill (without a battery) pinch a apical velocity of 1,800 RPM and 500 inch-pounds of torque. You won’t want to tackle building a shed aliases level pinch Dremel’s caller tool, but it’s powerful tin for lighter tasks for illustration drilling into studs aliases driving screws while assembling Ikea furniture.

A personification utilizing nan Dremel Blueprint Multi-Drill’s stud sensor to group its location connected a wall.

The Multi-Drill’s integrated stud sensor detects nan edges of hidden beams.

Image: Dremel

The drill’s knuckle defender includes an LED ray targeted astatine nan extremity of its drill spot for different illumination, arsenic bully arsenic a stud sensor for uncovering nan edges of a woody beam hidden down drywall. Its functionality is basal compared to dedicated stud sensors that tin bespeak nan halfway of a beam and moreover walk erstwhile hidden electrical wires are detected. But this stud sensor will ne'er beryllium misplaced successful nan mediate of a project.

The Multi-Drill’s integrated but removable leveling instrumentality features 2 bubble levels ensuring it’s decently positioned vertically and horizontally earlier projecting a level laser reference line. So arsenic not to clip disconnected marks aliases holes down erstwhile attached to a wall, Dremel’s mini laser level uses reusable mounting putty. It too features its ain rechargeable artillery that tin beryllium topped disconnected pinch a modular USB-C cable.

The multi-functional onslaught Dremel is taking coming isn’t going to entreaty to professionals. The Multi-Drill is designed to springiness amateur renovators a basal group of devices and features for tackling smaller projects without nan petition for a toolbox to support them each organized. In summation to a rechargeable artillery and nan laser level, Dremel too includes a group of 9 driver bits of varying sizes and standards, affirmative 3 drill bits.

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