Hp Is Laying Off Up To 2,000 Employees 'all Over The Company'

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HP is laying disconnected up to 2,000 group of its 58,000-person world workforce. The instrumentality and printer elephantine disclosed nan news successful an SEC filing connected Thursday.

"HP expects incremental gross workforce reductions of astir 1,000 to 2,000 employees," nan filing reads. "The changes to nan workforce will alteration by country, based connected conception ineligible requirements and consultations pinch worker useful councils and different worker representatives, arsenic appropriate."

The layoffs are expected to hap earlier nan adjacent of HP's fiscal twelvemonth 2025, which ends successful October. The cuts could thief HP prevention up to $300 million, per nan filing.

HP has not specified nan departments group to beryllium affected by nan cuts aliases nan roles that will beryllium impacted. CEO Enrique Lores told Bloomberg connected Friday that nan latest accusation of layoffs will hap "all complete nan company" and that HP has been "very selective and very strategic" astir wherever to make cuts.

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"It's not only cuts, we are too doing rebalancing," Lores said. "At nan aforesaid time, we're investing successful different areas."

Lores specified that HP's high-priority finance areas spot AI and customer experience.

HP CEO Enrique Lores. Photographer: Annabelle Chih/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The layoffs are information of HP's cost-cutting inaugural "Future Now," which nan institution introduced successful November 2022, per The Wall Street Journal.

The inaugural primitively aimed to laic disconnected 7,000 employees. With nan caller accusation of cuts, nan afloat number of laid-off workers could tick up to 9,000 employees, pinch wide savings reaching $1.9 billion.

The layoff news arrived arsenic HP posted its fiscal first 4th 2025 nett connected Thursday. Net gross for nan institution was up 2.4% year-over-year, reaching $13.5 billion.

Related: Humane's 'Ai Pin' Wanted to Be nan Next Smartphone. Now nan Company Is Being Sold to HP For Parts.

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