Super Bowl ads are known for their worth tag. At $7 cardinal for a 30-second spot, each 2nd costs astir $233K. But is it really worthy it?
Some opportunity nan vulnerability is priceless, but pinch a cost-per-mille (CPM) of astir $71, it’s astir 10 times overmuch costly than integer alternatives.
So, really do brands make judge they get nan champion return connected finance (ROI) aft nan past whistle? It comes down to nan integer follow-up - moving nan aforesaid aliases akin creatives connected societal and integer show platforms to guarantee nan tally gets seen.
Whether you're aiming for a slow symptom aliases a speedy burst of attention, nan cardinal is having a clear integer strategy that complements your Super Bowl investment. With AdClarity, you tin measurement which onslaught is overmuch effective for your competitors—and usage that penetration to style your ain campaigns.
We took a speedy look astatine immoderate of past year’s Super Bowl advertisers to spot what they spent connected societal media, Google display, and online video ads to support their ample TV spot.
The Importance of Digital Channels Post-Super Bowl
After nan excitement of nan ample crippled subsides, nan existent activity begins. That’s wherever integer follow-up comes in—allowing brands to leverage nan momentum generated by their high-profile spot.
This momentum tin retarget viewers, turn scope to different assemblage segments, and support their relationship top-of-mind successful a competitory landscape.
For marketers, there’s a existent fearfulness that a single, high-profile advertisement mightiness not thrust nan semipermanent engagement aliases conversions they’re after.
A Super Bowl advertisement reaches millions, but without sustained support, nan buzz fades fast. The extremity is to widen its effect beyond crippled clip done an integrated integer strategy—engaging audiences, driving traffic, and converting leads connected societal media, show ads, and search.
2024 Super Bowl Campaign Case Studies
Using AdClarity’s insights, we examined really immoderate apical brands leveraged their Super Bowl spots to thrust impactful integer campaigns.
CeraVe: The Michael Cera Campaign
First, we dove into CeraVe’s “Developed pinch Dermatologists, Not Michael Cera” campaign.
According to AdClarity data, nan institution spent an estimated $339.3K connected this tally successful Q1 of 2024, pinch astir of nan spending happening connected February 12 (the clip aft nan game).

In nan inclination level scheme above, we tin spot nan campaign’s integer push lasted astir a month.
Below, let’s return a speedy look astatine nan apical ads they ran connected societal media and YouTube.

Notice that nan creatives each characteristic astir nan aforesaid communicative and design, pinch Michael Cera arsenic nan star. And nan numbers nether each advertisement correspond nan afloat spend, impressions, and magnitude of nan video.
We tin too spot nan apical publishers of this integer recreation up. For a skincare marque whose assemblage mightiness not usually beryllium big-time sports fans, it's funny to spot nan apical diligent was really

This shows that perchance nan marque treated this Super Bowl advertisement arsenic a chance to scope a caller assemblage conception of sports fans.
Now, support successful mind that nan 3 screenshots supra are conscionable showing accusation connected nan Michael Cera campaign. If we look astatine’s afloat advertizing locomotion and placements for nan aforesaid clip period, we tin spot a ample difference.

First of all, we tin spot their afloat integer locomotion was complete $5 million, meaning nan Michael Cera tally was only astir 6% of this brand’s integer locomotion successful nan first 4th of 2024. Also, they kept spending consistently passim nan quarter, while nan Michael Cera tally was astir conscionable 1 month.
Looking astatine their apical ads from this clip period, we tin spot nan creatives each characteristic women utilizing nan product.

However, if we look astatine nan afloat database of campaigns, it looks for illustration nan Michael Cera tally really had nan champion costs per mille (CPM), astatine $5.21 compared to astir of their campaigns being successful nan $8 CPM range.

It looks like, successful nan suit of this brand, they utilized nan Super Bowl to scope a caller assemblage conception pinch a funny idea.
And it turns retired it whitethorn personification been a overmuch cost-effective integer tally than their emblematic evergreen campaigns.
Moving connected from a nerdy personage to a Nerds candy, let’s spot really different marque supported their Super Bowl advertisement connected digital.
Nerds Candy: Unleash Your Sense
Nerds personification been astir since nan 80s, but nan 2020 merchandise of their “Gummy Clusters” merchandise took nan marque to caller heights.
Of course, this hype merchandise was nan prima of their first-ever Super Bowl ad.
According to AdClarity, nan candy marque spent an estimated $1.1M connected integer support successful Q1 2024.

Note: Check really overmuch of an advertiser’s buying method is programmatic vs nonstop pinch nan Ad buying methods widget.
Interestingly, they had their biggest online spending clip connected February 5, precisely 1 week earlier nan game.
Their integer advertisement imaginative mostly featured TikTok prima Addison Rae and nan dancing personified gummy cluster from nan TV spot.

While CeraVe arsenic a marque had a ton of integer campaigns running, AdClarity saw conscionable 2 for Nerds, pinch nan mostly being this Super Bowl campaign. Both campaigns had a CPM of astir $9.

Looking astatine nan afloat database of publishers, we tin spot again respective sports-related sites successful summation to YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

So, this marque whitethorn personification taken nan aforesaid onslaught to integer support for Super Bowl ads by targeting sports-themed sites to scope those Super Bowl fans again pinch their ad.
How Much of nan Annual Budget is for nan Super Bowl?
One past value we saw betwixt nan 2 advertisers was really they spent passim nan year.
When we looked astatine nan 12 play overview, we saw that Nerds spent astir of their yearly money astir nan clip of nan Super Bowl.
Nerds Candy Annual Digital Ad Spend Trend

And astir of it was connected video ads, pinch societal media ads pursuing soon after.
But, looking astatine CeraVe, we saw a overmuch accordant spending inclination passim 2024. Once 2025 hit, nan brand’s integer advertisement spending really started to ramp up (especially connected video, arsenic we tin spot pinch nan greenish line).

Again, this conscionable goes to show 2 unsocial approaches to handling integer support for a Super Bowl ad.
- Nerds spent astir of their money one week before nan game
- CeraVe spent astir of its money the clip after nan game
- CeraVe had a overmuch larger yearly budget, and dedicated conscionable 6% of it to support their Super Bowl advertisement campaign
- Almost each of Nerds’ money seemed to beryllium supporting this aforesaid campaign
Takeaways from Different Spending Strategies
Which tally was overmuch successful?
While we can't definitively opportunity which tally was overmuch successful, we tin necktie cardinal lessons from their strategies:
CeraVe took a methodical, dependable approach. They utilized their Super Bowl advertisement arsenic an preamble constituent into a broader, semipermanent tally that targeted a caller assemblage connected sports platforms for illustration ESPN.
This onslaught suggests that, for brands pinch overmuch evergreen products aliases services, sustaining momentum aft nan crippled whitethorn beryllium overmuch important than going each successful upfront.
Nerds went for a overmuch concentrated push. They spent nan bulk of their money starring up to nan game, utilizing nan Super Bowl arsenic a awesome infinitesimal to thrust consciousness for a newer product.
If your extremity is to capitalize connected buzz and excitement successful a short timeframe, Nerds' strategy shows really focusing advertisement locomotion earlier and astir nan ample arena tin coming impact.
The takeaway? Different businesses petition different strategies, and immoderate approaches tin activity depending connected your goals.
Wondering really advertisers will recreation up their Super Bowl ads this year? Take a free proceedings of AdClarity today.