What Our Digital World Is Missing — And How I Turned It Into $100 Million After Dropping Out Of High School

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Benjamin Franklin erstwhile said, "Tell maine and I forget, thatch maine and I whitethorn remember, effect maine and I learn." Discovering point caller tin beryllium easy done, however, genuinely learning and applying it to existent life is different challenge.

People look astatine maine coming arsenic nan laminitis and CEO of a $100 cardinal business and deliberation I've ever had everything figured out.

The truth is, I was not nan champion student successful my early years, traditionally speaking. My thought of learning didn't connection up pinch nan state's curriculum. I trim schoolhouse truthful often that my parents yet agreed it wasn't nan correct business for me. So, astatine 16, I officially — and pinch my parents' ineligible blessing — became a precocious schoolhouse dropout.

Of course, a wide acquisition is hardly nan only measurement to learn. Life is nan champion teacher.

I didn't study business from books; I learned from experience.

But whenever I did tally into point I couldn't lick connected my own, I would investigation nan subject. I still personification galore books connected guidance and business connected nan shelves successful my agency that are afloat of highlights, scribbles and marked pages for reference.

As it turns out, technological studies beryllium that penning connected insubstantial and interacting pinch group materials helps america study better. These days, I do comprehend to podcasts and books while I thrust my bike, and watching YouTubers and reference blog posts is helpful. However, I still make it a constituent to incorporated notebooks and books successful my business, immoderate for my labour and clients.

Why? Because nan powerfulness of people still stands beardown coming successful a oversea of integer noise. Here's really to make nan astir of it:

Related: The 3 Greatest Lessons I've Learned After 25 Years successful Business and $100 Million successful Revenue

1. Incorporate notebooks and different group materials into your business operations truthful immoderate labour and customers tin study more

According to neuroscientists astatine nan University of Tokyo, penning connected beingness insubstantial tin lead to overmuch encephalon activity erstwhile remembering nan accusation an hr later. After a number of studies, researchers concluded that unique, complex, spatial and tactile accusation associated pinch penning by manus connected beingness insubstantial is apt what leads to improved memory.

Contrary to nan celebrated belief that integer devices summation efficiency, group who utilized insubstantial completed nan note-taking task astir 25% faster than those who utilized integer tablets aliases smartphones.

The investigation concluded: "Our take-home relationship is to usage insubstantial notebooks for accusation we petition to study aliases memorize."

Another perk of print: People are overmuch apt to revisit printed transcript arsenic opposed to integer documents. Marketing investigation has shown that astir a 3rd of each nonstop connection remains successful nan location overmuch than a play later, making this a valuable instrumentality for your business.

I tin confidently opportunity I've knowledgeable nan powerfulness of group firsthand. I built my ain business, PostcardMania, from point to complete $100 cardinal successful yearly gross by spearheading our ain trading pinch nonstop mail. It's ever been nan cornerstone of our promotion, and coming we connection complete 230,000 postcards each week to beforehand ourselves.

We've too helped 121,976 businesses nationwide pinch nonstop mail-led campaigns. Along nan way, we've racked up complete a 1000 nonstop connection suit studies crossed hundreds of industries — and those are conscionable nan campaigns I've gotten support to banal acold and wide. Speaking of which...

2. Launch a nonstop connection trading tally to summation your caller leads

Which advertisement does nan mean personification respond to more? A integer advertisement connected Facebook, Instagram, Google aliases a postcard? One study revealed that participants' callback was 70% higher if they were exposed to a nonstop connection information (75%), alternatively than a integer advertisement (44%).

This gives you a awesome advantage complete competitors if you incorporated nonstop connection into your integrated trading strategy. This doesn't mean you ditch societal media aliases integer ads altogether, but adding nonstop connection arsenic a beingness touchpoint bolsters your integer strategies. It each useful together.

A caller rule is too going into effect this twelvemonth that will limit lead-buying and lead-sharing. This intends generating new, integrated leads will beryllium acold overmuch important. The industries of existent estate, beryllium and information will beryllium dense impacted.

One of my clients, Klooster Family Dental, tripled their monthly customers — from 15 caller patients a play to 56 — aft mailing postcards consistently. By adding postcards to their trading mix, they were too tin to unfastened different agency location!

With overmuch regular caller business coming in, and nan imaginable for repetition purchases, your gross tin skyrocket.

Related: This Powerful Marketing Strategy Will Help You Outshine Your Competitors and Make Your Brand More Memorable

3. Implement nonstop connection automation into income funnels to boost sales

Direct connection trading will effect your caller lead numbers, but it too has nan imaginable to adjacent overmuch leads arsenic well. By automating your mailers and placing them incorrect your income funnel, you'll beryllium tin to reliably adjacent overmuch leads.

About 85% of marketers activity together nonstop connection delivers nan champion conversion title of each channels they use, up from 74% successful 2023.

The main logic for this is because of nan tangible — and overmuch memorable — effect of mail. And pinch today's technology, automation helps return nan activity retired of mailing postcards aliases letters each month, too, truthful you tin prevention clip arsenic well.

I propose you nexus your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) strategy to a nonstop connection automation platform. That way, postcards tin beryllium triggered successful your CRM. Someone becomes a caller lead? They personification a postcard successful nan mail. Someone receives a caller quote? They get a postcard arsenic well. A lead goes cold? Postcard.

Automated nonstop connection is expanding fast. This is nan fastest-growing information of my business currently, and we expect to move moreover faster successful 2025.

If you still uncertainty nan powerfulness of paper, I business you to astatine slightest effort retired 1 of these initiatives. You'll apt beryllium happily amazed by nan outcome!

Related: How to Boost Your Business With Direct Mail Automation and Retargeting — a Detailed Beginner's Guide

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